East Region Shelters

Discover our partner shelters in southern Puerto Rico

Save a Sato
Save a Sato

Save A Sato is a non-profit organization dedicated to easing the suffering of Puerto Ricos homeless and abused animals.

P.O Box 37694, San Juan PR 00937
El Faro de los Animales
El Faro de los Animales

Since 2001, El Faro is a non-profit organization providing shelter, medicine, food and love to abandoned dogs and cats in Puerto Rico.

Cam Alonzo Flecha, Humacao, 00791
Humane Society
Humane Society

In Puerto Rico there is an immense need to adopt, to help homeless animals, it is the only way to eradicate euthanasia.

Calle 16, Avenida B Guaynabo, PR 00969


"Every stray deserves a chance — save a life, give love, and make a difference."

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